Are We Insane?
Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So, I wonder…
Are we insane?
Throughout this school year, I have gotten emails upon emails from counselors and principals BEGGING for help in the realm of bullying. “The guidance lessons we’ve been using aren’t doing anything.” “The kids don’t take them seriously.” “We’ve seen a spike in bullying and mean behavior."
Dear Keaton Jones
Dear Keaton Jones (and everyone else in his shoes):
I’ve seen your video. I’ve seen the media coverage. I’ve seen the celeb support. I’ve seen the attitudes of the public change from “Stand up for Keaton!” to “His mother is a racist, he deserves what he got, and more!”
I understand, and know full well, what you’re going through. I know what it’s like to get into the safe and secure sanctum of Mom’s car, feeling like the entire world is crashing down on me, and just let the tears flow. Mom’s shoulder, Dad’s chest, my pillow and several stuffed animals have all acted as sponges over the years to soak up the tears of hurt caused by others.
With all of the avenues being used to raise awareness about bullying lately, (TV commercials, articles, Pixar shorts, songs, celebrity endorsements, social media posts, etc.) why not a movie, right? Wonder, the new movie about a boy with a genetic facial deformity, does just that. Hollywood sure does a great job of instilling values in 90 minutes. However, probably not in a way many of us are expecting.
Hello?! Is this thing on?!
{Tap...tap...tap…} Hello?! Is this thing on? Hello?! Are we good? {Tap...tap…}
Kids say the darndest things. They are definitely good for a laugh every now and then. I know my kids are hilarious! But sometimes, kids, no matter what age, say some things that make you sit back and think, “Wow! When did my kid get smarter than me?"
The other day I was able to sit down with a group of about 15 middle school students and just chat.
Forgive me for getting sentimental here. This week is my daughter’s 5th birthday. The big 5. One whole hand! And I know it’s cliche, but it’s really hard to believe. If anyone knows the story behind her birth, she truly is a miracle child.
Lately, I’ve been remembering what a lot of people have told me over the last 5 years: “Treasure every moment because they grow so fast.”
But, why?
Almost every time I teach my daughter something, the first question out of her mouth is, “But, why?” She’s curious. She wants to know. She realizes that there is the possibility for deeper knowledge. There’s a reason for each lesson. And, while she’s at such a young age, the “why” is easy to explain. (Until it gets so deep to where a Ph.D. would have to step in.)
As I tour the country and talk with students, parents and teachers in all kinds of environments, I am met with the exact same question. It’s obvious that the traditional strategies of dealing with bullying are not working. In fact, it looks like things are getting worse as time goes on.
But, why?
To say I’m as giddy as a schoolgirl is an understatement. Finally, a Karate Kid reunion has taken place! No...I’m not talking about the sorry excuse for a remake they did in 2010. I’m talking about the classic 1984 version.
Daniel Larusso vs Johnny Lawrence. Wax on, wax off. Paint the fence. Paint the house. Mr. Miyagi. Cobra Kai. The crane kick. So many memories and lessons!
Spoiler alert! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Wax On, Wax Off
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Aubrey (name changed to protect identity) jumped off the bleachers during gym class and ran over to Haleigh (name changed). Apparently Haleigh had been bullying Aubrey for quite some time and Aubrey was not going to take it anymore. She grabbed Haleigh by the hair and began to punch her in the side of the head.
Sticks and Stones: The Cold, Hard Truth
There’s an old saying that I love. You’ve probably heard it before.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
Sound familiar? I hope so. As I’ve traveled the country, it blows my mind how many students have NOT heard of that saying. And I think I know why.
Say it. Believe it. Live it.
Think you’re tough? Think you’re strong? Think you can handle whatever life throws at you? Think you’ve got yourself figured out? Well, friends, sit back and relax because we’re all about to be schooled by a 9-year-old. You might want to grab some tissues.
Ho, Ho…Oh for crying out loud!
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. But do you recall the most bullied reindeer of all?
Hug More
I made a new friend the other night. Which, for me, isn’t out of the ordinary. I’m an outgoing person and I love meeting new people. But, meeting Megan was different.
A Bold Statement
While on tour, I was recently interviewed by a Nebraska news station. I’ve been interviewed by TV news stations before. They all usually ask the same questions: Why did you start doing this? How is your message different than the normal “anti-bullying” messages, etc. But, this reporter asked me a question that almost stumped me. I had to think for a second before I gave my response.
“You talk a lot about your story and what you went through as a kid. Do you think there is more bullying now than there was 20 years go?” Read More
What’s Your Address?
I was grocery shopping with my daughter recently. She loves to help me pick out fruit. Well, actually, she likes to tear the plastic produce bags off of the roll and shake them violently so they open up and float through the air. Then, she wants to tie them with the little green twisty ties. Me, I’m a guy. What do I do? I hold the bag up, spin it as fast as I can, and tuck it under the fruit as I set it in the cart. Read More
Protocol Shmotocol
Is protocol always the correct thing to follow? In most cases, yes. But in some cases, I think a case can be made that it’s ok to stretch the following of protocol. A conversation with a guidance counselor a while back proved this. Read More
Let Me Do It!
Do you remember the TV show Mad TV? It was a sketch comedy show in the late 90’s and early 2000’s that was very similar to Saturday Night Live. In fact, I believe it was SNL’s biggest rival after In Living Color went off the air. Truth be told, I preferred Mad TV over SNL. Read More
I Dare You
If there’s one restaurant I don’t visit enough, it’s Cracker Barrel. There’s just something about it that I love. Ok...there’s quite a few things about Cracker Barrel that I love. The family atmosphere. The old country vibe. That addicting, yet frustrating, golf tee game. And, of course, the food. Read More
Set The Bar High
My palms were sweating. My toes scrunched up in my shoes. My thoughts were racing. “How does my hair look? Is my tie straight? Do I have any lint on my sport coat?” I hadn’t been on a date since before I was married, and I didn’t want to mess it up. I wanted things to be just right. Read More
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Scissors, Scissors
About a year ago, my wife and I became frustrated with the amount of arguing and disagreeing that our two oldest children (daughter 8, and son 6) were doing. Choosing a game to play, what movie to watch, what snack to eat, who gets on the swing first…everything turned into an argument because they just could rarely seem to agree to anything. Read More